Academic Staff​

EIOL has brought together a team of clinical teachers who are passionate about​ lingual orthodontics and experts in various fields such as digital technology, surgical treatment, the use of mini-screws, maxillary expansion and all the latest techniques applicable to the adult patient.​

Dr Fillion - Orthodontiste Linguale - Directeur Formation EIOL

Dr Didier FILLION, founder and director of the EIOL

Has been practising lingual orthodontics exclusively since 1987.​
He teaches regularly in several French and foreign universities.

Dr Gérard Altounian Enseignant EIOL : École Internationale d'Orthodontie Linguale

Dr Gérard Altounian

Dr. Altounian had the privilege of meeting in person in the United States in 1984 the pioneers of lingual orthodontics, Kurz, Gorman and Smith. He is a founding member of the French Society of Lingual Orthodontics (SFOL) and of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO). ​
In 1996, with Didier Fillion, he created the University Diploma of Lingual Orthodontics at the University of Paris-V (DUOL) and since then has been teaching lingual orthodontics within this DUOL.​

Dr Martine Philippart - Enseignant EIOL : École Internationale d'Orthodontie Linguale

Dr Martine Philippart

Specialist in orthodontics (CECSMO 1998), Dr. Philippart immediately went on to complete the University Diploma in Lingual Orthodontics (2001) and became an instructor (Paris-V University) until 2019. ​
Active member of the European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO) and the World Society of Lingual Orthodontics (WSLO), she works in Boulogne (children and adults) and in Paris (adults only) within a multidisciplinary team (Ortho-Paro-Implanto).​

Alexis Benitsa - Enseignant EIOL : École Internationale d'Orthodontie Linguale

Alexis Benitsa, Laboratory Director​

He is the director of the orthodontic laboratory specialized in lingual orthodontics.

Other eminent experts will come and lecture from time to time during the training year​.